Sunday 17 April 2011


  Just a few hours ago, the first Zumbathon  took place in Greece. Hundreds of Zumba enthusiasts gathered to the Olympic Boxing Centre in Athens and danced non-stop for three hours with the directions of Zumba instructors! The entrance fee was just ten euros and the profits made will be given to a Charity named "Be strong" that helps people that suffer from the scourge of Cancer. Among the Zumba fans there were some local celebrities such as Eugenia Manolidou, TV presenter and a few contesters of the Greek version of "Dancing with the stars". 

Excuse me???  Don't you know what Zumba is??? 

 Just two years ago there were barely a million people who had tried the Zumba workout. Today there are seven million enthusiastic people around the globe, in 60,000 different locations and in 105 countries. Zumba has the reputation to be the ‘hottest’ cardio programme in the world right now. Zumba is the new way of dancing yourself into shape! Zumba is basically an exhilarating, effective, easy to follow, Latin-inspired, calorie burning dance fitness party. Zumba is ‘moving’ millions of people around the world towards better health and happiness.

How was Zumba created??? 

 Behind every amazing product an extraordinary story is hidden and Zumba is not an exception. Zumba was created by Alberto Beto Perez, by accident. Beto used to be an aerobics instructor. However, one day he forgot to bring along his aerobic cds, thus he used salsa and meringue music, the kind of melodies he grew up with, as he is originated from Columbia, to continue with his class. Spontaneously, he created a new kind of fitness dance. A type that focused on allowing the music to move you, instead of counting repetitions over the music. Energy electrified the room; people couldn’t stop smiling… it was then that Zumba was born.
 So lets fast forward to today. The Zumba programme is now taught in more than 60,000 gyms and studios, in 105 countries and has stimulated more than seven million people. “Remember when Forest Gump started running and people followed him?” said Beto the creator of Zumba, “I feel like Forest Gump of dance.”

How does Zumba works????

  Every class of Zumba lasts for 60 minutes. According to statistics, that is enough to burn 500 to 1,000 calories. People have reported to loosing up to 100 pound per year with a minimum of three times a week of Zumba practice.
 What is the secret ingredient that differentiates Zumba from other cardio programmes? Beto focused on the fact that many people hate to exercise but love to dance! Zumba workout is based on easy to follow Latin dance moves such as salsa, cumbia, merengue, samba and urban beats such as hip-hop. “ The fast music and high energy makes it fun so that I don’t even feel like I am working out- at least not until I notice how much I am sweating,” says Whitney who is a new comer to Zumba frenzy.

 Zumba’s movements engage the upper and the lower parts of the body and as a result the metabolism functions faster and more effectively. “ Thanks to my non-stop, easy to follow choreography, you will tone your body from head to toe, all without feeling you are working out at all!” states Beto “ I believe that if exercise is fun and easy to do, you will stick with it, which is the key to long-term good health. That’s why Zumba utilises aerobic interval training to deliver an addictive, high energy work out you will want to return again and again.”

Zumba celebrities.... 

 Between the seven million Zumba enthusiasts there are many Zumba celeb fans too. Have you ever wondered how Posh manages to maintain her 0 size shape? Victoria Beckham is a Zumba enthusiast and she practise Zumba at least four times a week. Have you noticed that Jennifer Lopez has lost twenty pounds? The famous actress revealed her secret in her last interview confessing that her ally to loosing weight was Zumba. Beto has also co operated with the beloved Colombian singer Shakira, who is also a huge fan of Zumba.  Other popular Zumba practitioners are: Natalie Portman, Ricky Martin, Miley Cirus, Michelle Obama and.... Barack Obama!!!

Zumba products!!! 

 Apparently, Zumba satisfies all the ages and tastes, this is due to the wide variety of routines. The classic routine is Zumba which features exotic rhythms set to high-energy Latin and international beats. Zumba Gold targets the largest growing segment of the population: baby boomers. It takes the Zumba formula and modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, Aqua Zumba and Zumba Anatomic which are exclusively designed for children between the ages of 4 and 12 years old as well as many other types of Zumba.

For those who don’t have enough time to join a Zumba class, they can purchase DVD’s with a range of workouts ready to practice in the privacy of their home. Zumba fitness also provides a variety of clothing to make exercise more comfortable and equipment that makes the moves even more effective.

If you have not try to Zumba yet, what are you waiting for? Just Zumba it!!!!
 To join the party just visit:

Wednesday 13 April 2011

WeLcoMe To tHe ReADeliOUs wOrLd!!! :)

 Hello!!! I am Vicky and I am a student of BA Journalism at University of Westminster. I fell in love with journalism, in no time! I believe that good articles are like good sweets... You keep reading for hours but you always want more and more!!  The same is happening with sweets... 

 A successful journalist is working like a successful cooker! A good journalist chooses a new subject-recipe, and plays with the ingredients...  The rarer the subject-recipe the more popular your piece become! By the moment, I came to London I stuck with Krispy Creams and Ben's Cookies and this is because I had never tasted them before in Greece! 

 Candies sweeten our lives, makes us feel better when we are sad, boost our energy when we are tired ! The same is happening with magazines, newspapers, books, twits, posts on blogs or Facebook! In the morning we check our Twitter and Facebook and we stop feel lonely, in the train we read a newspaper and the time passes, before we sleep we read a book and dream, when we are bored we take a look into different blogs and the moments gain sense! 

 I proudly present you Readelicious, my personal blog! I hope you will enjoy reading my next posts, as much as I enjoyed eating my favorite chocolate... Bounty! :)