Wednesday 13 April 2011

WeLcoMe To tHe ReADeliOUs wOrLd!!! :)

 Hello!!! I am Vicky and I am a student of BA Journalism at University of Westminster. I fell in love with journalism, in no time! I believe that good articles are like good sweets... You keep reading for hours but you always want more and more!!  The same is happening with sweets... 

 A successful journalist is working like a successful cooker! A good journalist chooses a new subject-recipe, and plays with the ingredients...  The rarer the subject-recipe the more popular your piece become! By the moment, I came to London I stuck with Krispy Creams and Ben's Cookies and this is because I had never tasted them before in Greece! 

 Candies sweeten our lives, makes us feel better when we are sad, boost our energy when we are tired ! The same is happening with magazines, newspapers, books, twits, posts on blogs or Facebook! In the morning we check our Twitter and Facebook and we stop feel lonely, in the train we read a newspaper and the time passes, before we sleep we read a book and dream, when we are bored we take a look into different blogs and the moments gain sense! 

 I proudly present you Readelicious, my personal blog! I hope you will enjoy reading my next posts, as much as I enjoyed eating my favorite chocolate... Bounty! :)

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